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The DOT Doctor Speaks
Monday, January 25 2016

NTSB posts their wish list each year.  Last year, thanks to Dec 2015's 10,000+ pages of rule changes; they had most of their wishes granted.

Let's discuss this year's wish list.

NTSB is not desiring a Professional Driver but a well-trained robot.  You are to sit the seat and be a good boy.  Just like Ham and Enos (the chimps first associated with the space program); drivers are to push buttons and respond to mechanical signals.  They are not to think and act as Captain of their ship any longer.  Technology is replacing that part of the driving equation. 

We have devices that tell us when we acted inappropriately, vehicles automatically deploy the brakes (this one is scary to me), video records everything and drivers are constantly monitored.  In some companies, dispatch changes your RPM settings based on where they think you are located.  This has caused many issues in mountainous areas.  Image an unannounced surge in RPM or a cut that stalls out the truck.  Mass ramifications from any of these items and let us not even begin on what happens when these systems fail or horribly malfunction!

Cell phones are an intricate part of life.  They are no longer an accessory but rather an extension of one’s self.  You cannot single out one driver type for a cell phone ban.  Vehicles are more integrated all the time with new ways to connect to cell phones, internet and so forth.  Life runs from a computer dictating to us what our next move will be.  Don’t believe me; use a GPS. 

People do the strangest things while driving when using their GPS.  It is like their mind goes blank.  I have watched this in action and investigated after an accident.  “The GPS told me to do it!”  How many horror stories have you heard where the truck goes down an unfit road because the GPS told him to do so?   GPS is a nice tool but use it with your brain and verify.  If it does not make sense; don’t do it!  Stop cutting off 3 lanes of traffic because your device updates late and you suddenly need the exit.  Same for any of these tools.  They are not your brain.  They are a tool and need to be used as such. 

Instead of our driving schools truly training and educating a driver; the government invests BILLIONS of dollars to make autonomous driving a reality.  A six-week driving school does not teach one to drive.  While autonomous driving is a cool sci-fi thought; reviewing the study of how this will actually come to be is disturbing.  I do not want to be part of a road chain.  With railroads declining at present; is this the real culprit?   Is the goal to kill old money and only the nouveau riche will rule?  I digress.

As for driver health – my 2 cents can be read here -

Driver fatigue will not improve until work conditions improve.  Drivers are human; well at this point in time they still remain as such.  They need a regular schedule.  You work days or you work nights.  A schedule that flip-flops you is bad for your health.  You never receive adequate sleep as your rhythms are always a mix.  Scientific evidence has proven this to be so.  It is high time that the industry embraces this fact.

I recall a Safety Manager during an orientation class back in the 90s.  He told the drivers, “…you may have just woken up for an 8-hour break but if we don’t have anything right now; you better rest because it will come by the end of the day and you WILL drive all night to make it so…..”   WOW, how unsafe but wow realistic!  If you just slept for 8; you are not going back to sleep and even if you do that does not mean you are prepared for a 15-hour day beginning in 12-hours. 

Carriers must work with shippers and receivers on realistic time schedules.  Is this driver a day or a night driver?  How is such decided?  Driver should declare this on their application; in my opinion.  You know your rhythm best.  Once declared, then the company must honor your declared hours of availability.  I do not believe drivers suffer from sleep apnea as much as reports say.  I believe they suffer from shift rotation side effects.  If we remove the rotation; I am certain we will see a decline in sleep apnea issues.  Of course this means doctors, clinics and equipment manufactures will lose money.  So we can’t have that; now can we?!?

So many issues in this industry can be solved by implementing some logic and common sense.  The problem is that the people running the show are so dollar oriented, they want robots at the helm.  They do not want to take the time to see what could work but rather how to bend the individual into the mold they have created.  When we stepped back and looked for a true solution instead of a OSFA fix; that never works, we found the answers.  Our driver turnover was almost nil and of great importance was that drivers were happy.  They had a set schedule and a work/life balance.  It can be done.  It just takes effort and communication.  The return: high accident reduction rate, lowered injury rate, reduced insurance rates and an overall safer workplace.   This can be accomplished but you have the way the industry works.  It can no longer be me centric.  With such a change; NTSB would achieve their goals without excessive legislation.  

Want to learn more?  Let’s chat.


Posted by: The DOT Doctor AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 25 2016
Driver Health and Wellness

Our source article today discusses Driver Wellness & Fitness.  The author states that taking an interest in your driver's health will end the driver shortage.  Do you agree?

Most carriers cut a driver loose once he can no longer fill the health requirement of a DOT Med card.  It is hypothesized that if a carrier would work with and a take an interest in their driver to help them regain certification; it would be more cost effective than recruiting, hiring and training a new driver.

Here are our comments:

Once you send the driver home, he loses his insurance so he won't be seeing a doctor.  

Let's address the root cause; drivers have to cram every minute of every day into their driving schedule.  They operate on hurry up and wait due to shipper and receiver delays.  Truck stops are over crowded.  Dispatch is always pushing for that extra mile.  As long as driver are stuck on mileage pay; they too will push the day as far as they can.  This leaves zero time for exercise.  Many drivers eat as they drive due to time constraints.  This means sandwiches or fast food.  Something easy to handle as you drive.  You become tired but can't rest due to the 14-hour restriction so you snack.  You either smoke or eat to stay awake.  OTR drivers are rarely home and when they are they are not going to waste that limited, precious time going to a doctor.  

So reality check; you drive as hard and as fast as you can whenever you are not held up by a dock.  You grab and go for meals.  You don't have the luxury of time to park at the back of the lot and walk into a truck stop or walk around a truck stop or rest area for exercise.  If it's winter; you run into grab a shower and back out with hopes of parking close so you don't catch pneumonia.  Carriers play the 50 gallon fuel game so you time is eaten up sitting in fuel lines or they send to Cheep Joe's Fuel and their is no parking, the showers stink (if they even have any) and food is Greasy Bob's dried out fast food or whatever bag of snack junk is on the shelf.  If you aren't driving; you are most likely trying to catch some sleep.  This is how it has been for years!  I know; I did this myself for years.

Now with ELDs becoming mandatory, we might actually see drivers shutting down for a full 10 hours.  In that case, there may be some time for exercise and a sit down meal.  This is IF (and a big IF) there is parking available at a facility that offers these things like a larger truck stop.   Carriers need to consider more than fuel price when assigning truck stops.  Most drivers are not going to waste the time to stop multiple times.  You time your fueling with your shower, meals and hopefully your sleep break.  This means carriers need to stop micro managing their drivers if they wish to encourage better sleep, exercise and food quality.  Driver wellness is part of the New Entry Level Driver Training and something we encourage all our clients to present to all drivers as part of the Orientation Process.

If a carrier is truly serious about their Drivers' health; then dispatch the day with time for exercise, a decent meal or two and 8-hours of sleep.  Set up your drivers in real truck stops that have facilities and verified parking.  Work with shipper and receivers for true load times to minimize down time at docks.  Better yet; move to drop and hook.....keep the wheels turning.  Change drivers from mileage pay that encourages bad habits from dispatch and drivers alike.  Move to hourly, percentage or salary.  Salary is our recommendation to our clients.  Drivers, like everyone else, have bills and a budget.  By putting the driver on salary, you are reducing stress.  The driver knows his income week over week.   He is not stressed trying to make that last mile just to pay bills.  Less stress; healthier driver and safer driver.

This is not just about better vending machines at orientation.  This is an entire cultural change that the industry has to make.  It begins with empowering the driver by freeing up time, removing unrealistic expectation (limit each day to 500 miles max) and approaching trucking as a profession with a "regular" time schedule instead of the sporadic, unpredictable, unreasonable schedules we have endured for over 50 years.

Learn more at: or contact us to help your fleet ->


Posted by: The DOT Doctor AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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The DOT Doctor



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