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The DOT Doctor:
King of the Road Bookkeeping Services
King of the Road Brochure

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Stay in continuous DOT Compliance with your paperwork by using our full File Management Service for only $100/month per driver. 

This is a complete file management service for DQF, Maintenance files and log auditing (both paper and elogs).   All documents are well preserved on a triple redundancy system.  We save a digital upload on our server, a paper hard copy in our files and a digital access copy in our secure online system that you can access at any time.  This means that all your files are audit ready and DOT Compliant.   

We will provide you with a customized, DOT Compliance application and DQF paperwork packet.  We run your MVRs, Medical MVRs, perform your background checks (SPH), verify your doctors via the National Registry and perform all necessary DQF functions.  We begin with a full audit of your files.  We even advise you when training is missing.

We will advise you at 90, 60, 30 and then weekly when med cards and license renewals are due.  We provide the same type of notification for our vehicles when inspections and registrations are due.  We will obtain cab cards and other documents as allowed by law.  We calculate your taxes (2290, UCR, IRP, IFTA, etc...) for you and e-file where available (an additional fee may apply for e-filing).   New Hire filings with the state can also be included with this service.

This is a very comprehensive service.  When you are audited, your files can be presented via digital format.  A Compliance Expert from TDD can be onsite to represent you in an audit upon request (additional fees apply).  Some auditors will come to our facility instead of yours for the audit process.  This is a plus that many of our client's enjoy!

All this is available to you from a firm that specializes in DOT Compliance.  We are not an accounting firm handling paperwork.  We are DOT Safety Consultants, highly trained and skilled in DOT Compliance matters who remain current on new regulations at all times.  This is who you will be partnering with when you register for this service.

TIP - Team our King of the Road Bookkeeping Service with our VDS Program and all be in complete compliance!

If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.
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The DOT Doctor
USA, Mexico and Canada

phone 1- 903-910-9009 US Services

                                                    1-903-910-9075 Mexico/Canada Services

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The DOT Doctor



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